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Preschool Playday
Saturday, September 9, 2-2:45 p.m.

Theme: Building Bricks
It’s time to get building! We’ll do different challenges and become brick masters.  We will also learn a bit about animal habitats and with help from your bigger buddy–the adult you bring to our playday–you’ll build a brick habitat for some of the animals in Mammal Hall.

This program is FREE for Museum Members or included with regular Museum admission! Participation in each Preschool Playday is limited to 20 children. Please RSVP by noon the Friday before by calling (402) 461-2399. If you and your child have paid Museum admission to attend Preschool Playday, your admission is good for the entire day. We encourage you to stay and enjoy the exhibits, or come early and catch a planetarium show. It’s all included.

PRESCHOOL PLAYDAYS are scheduled for the second Saturday of the month.
REMINDER: Playdays are now in the afternoon from 2 p.m. until 2:45 or 3 p.m.

Upcoming Dates & Themes:
October 14 – Beautiful Bats
November 11 –Veteran’s Day Preschool Playday
And on December 9, bring you kids to Holiday Fun in 10a – Noon (advance tickets required).