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Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas Logo
Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas – Hastings Field Training
Saturday, June 22, 9:30am – Noon
The Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas is a statewide community science project actively tracking and conserving our native bumble bees. Anyone is welcome to join the Atlas—no experience is needed. Come work alongside researchers to help fill knowledge gaps about our native bumble bees!
At this field training, Xerces Society staff will teach the basics of surveying at Hastings Museum. This event will be a great way to learn how to use your insect net, collect data according to project methods, identify local bumble bees, connect with fellow volunteers, and get any lingering questions answered!
Before attending this training, it is recommended that you review the online training material or the participant handbook. Materials can be found here: https://www.bumblebeeatlas.org/pages/nebraska
Registration required, event limited to 20 people: https://arcg.is/0W1W5H1