Programs for preschools and daycare centers run 30 minutes. With advanced notice, these can be adapted to meet your needs. Please limit two programs per visit. If you are 15 minutes late or more, your first program could be cancelled. All programs meet Nebraska State Standards and are aligned with Hastings Public School’s Key Concepts and Essentials.

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Little dinosaurs will learn about our prehistoric past through an interactive play. After making their dino tails, they will shake them in a fun movement-based song. We will even get to look at real fossils and learn how they travel from the dig site to a museum.


Native American Children

Together we will explore how the bison provided food, tools, and shelter to early Plains tribes. We will practice our hunting skills and see how different tribes once lived in Nebraska. Our class will end by creating a Pawnee pinch pot to take home!


Nature Nook Explorers

Walk through the Nature Nook to find animals that live in the water, underground, and in the air. Students will discover animals in their natural habitat while learning what they need to survive. We will do a search activity in the exhibit and make replica scat to take home.

Preschools within Hastings city limits

Free admission to the Museum, preschool programs, and the planetarium. Special programs are an exception and may include a fee – just check with Museum staff.

Preschools outside Hastings city limits

$3.00 admission to the Museum, preschool programs and the planetarium. Special programs may have an additional fee – just check with Museum staff.

Daycares within and outside Hastings

$3.00 per person for Museum admission, which includes preschool programs and the planetarium. Special programs may have an additional fee – just check with Museum staff.