Are Museum employees required to wear a mask?

No. The City of Hastings mask requirement for city buildings has been discontinued. It is up to the individual employee to wear a mask or not wear one.  We have Plexiglas barriers at our visitor check-in areas.

Are your bathrooms open?

Yes. The largest bank of restrooms is located in the basement, on the Theatre's side of the building. There are also smaller restrooms on the main floor within the Museum, on the second floor just off the elevator, and in the basement near the Kool-Aid: Discover the Dream exhibit.

What artifacts are the Hastings Museum actively seeking for it’s Permanent Collection?

Items related to the Hastings Naval Ammunition Depot including personal stories and images, land sale contracts, employment records, tools, and safety gear Items related to the growth and development of Hastings and Adams County Model 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle Colt Single Action Army revolver patented in 1875 Perkins Products Company items, including Onor-Maid products Pawnee [...]

What items are NOT being accepted into the Hastings Museum Collection at this time?

Pre-2000 military dress uniforms and accessories Clothing, shoes, accessories, and toiletry items dating before 1950 Wedding dress or suites from any time period Most weapons unless it is model 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle or a Colt Single Action Army revolver patented in 1875 China, glassware, silver unless it is a complete or nearly complete set [...]